You might think that only ladies need alteration! You are wrong. Guys need alteration as much. About a quarter of my customers at my tailor shop ( are men. The other quarter don't know why they need alteration services. My goal is to give you some tip and show you some reasons here in this article.
Looking and feeling your best could give you an edge in your social and business life. To look your best, you should invest in clothing alteration. You might come across someone who always look great! Men clothing options are very limited to polo shirts, tshirts, and button down shirts. The difference comes down to the fitment. Let me give you an example. You have invested on a Prestij shirt and getting ready to go out. The shirt seems a little too long for your body. To solve this issue, you decide to tuck it in and you look like you're ready to go to a work meeting. This could change your night!
These are some images of people needing alterations:
1- Jeans are too long on this image. It should just come staight down instead of having so many boulges
2- Have you paid attention how a nice fitted suit looks like in compasion to a large suit?
provided by, "Is 5'7" John McCain Dressing For Defeat?"
and see how this one looks much better.
Stay away from long tshirt, polo shirt, and button down shirts. For example if your polo shirt is longer than 5 inches over your pants, there is a chance that it's too long. You can always ask the sales representative in stores to see if you need alterations.
Go for quality not quantity. Having a few nice shirts and pants that actually fit you right and look great on you is far better than having so many clothes that looks awful on you.
Keya Efatpanah
Prestij Fashion