Wednesday, April 1, 2009

INsite Magazine Article About Prestij Fashion

INsite magazine in their April issue talks about Principles of Prestij Fashion, Prestij Fashion president, Keya Efatpanah and more. 
Please view this article on Insite, April issue, page 18. 
Please read the following article and also visit INsite magazine website to see the complete article on the actual pdf format. 

Bringing Men Some Prestij –
Austin ’s Keya Efatpanah
By Sean Claes / INsite Magazine

Sophisticated in a subtle way is how 28-year old engineer turned fashion designer Keya
Efatpanah describes Prestij (– a new line of men’s fashion he launched in Austin this past December. So, how does a University of Texas graduate with an electrical engineering degree get into the fashion game? “I have always been interested in fashion and clothing designs. I was looking for ways to combine my education, passion, interest, and work experience,” Efatpanah said. “From engineering I learned problem solving. Work taught me business and marketing, my tailor shop taught me about fabrication, manufacturing, and fabric. It was a natural fit.” The Prestij line is currently made up of about thirty different shirts, clearly for the discerning man who doesn’t want to look like 4 other guys in the room. “Clothing choices are much more limited for guys. I could never find anything I liked, and when I did, I’d go to a party and other guys would be wearing the same shirts, he said. “That was a let down every time.” Right now, you can see the Prestij line in person at Upstairs Men’s Wear (2110 S Lamar) in Austin, Project Fashion (2419 S Shepherd) in Houston and online at He hopes to add lines in other cities as well as a few more boutiques in the Austin area. “I'm interested to work with other boutiques. I have enough shirts and styles to have unique products in different stores,” he said. The designs range from classic styles (May mán, Pünktchenmuster) to styles with a definite cultural flair to them (örn, söndag). The fabrics are all imported from Spain and Asia. “It’s beautiful to see people expressing their different cultures, background, and interests, he said. “For the same reason Prestij offers a variety in designs and options for each individual out there.” He explains that his own personal background and travels are expressed through the fashion as well. He’s included some lines that include American cities, and some that have a more international feel. “It is a beautiful world because of the coexistance of different cultures and races,” Efatpanah said. “As a Persian-American I love both cultures.” For the future, Efatpanah says he’s
working on a new line that is more “in sync with the Prestij philosophy” as well as a woman’s clothing line. “I’m promising a multi-cultural brand with design varieties from all around the globe,” he said. “That’s Prestij.”

söndag – $95.99

militära shirt – $94.99

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