Thursday, August 13, 2009

Polo shirt and jacket / suite ?

If you like to wear a Polo shirt under a suit / jacket, keep it untucked. Lot's of polo shirts out there are too long though. They are made for any size. You need to hem it to right around your waist line. Get help from a professional tailor!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why is clothing alteration important for even guys?

You might think that only ladies need alteration! You are wrong. Guys need alteration as much. About a quarter of my customers at my tailor shop ( are men. The other quarter don't know why they need alteration services. My goal is to give you some tip and show you some reasons here in this article.

Looking and feeling your best could give you an edge in your social and business life. To look your best, you should invest in clothing alteration. You might come across someone who always look great! Men clothing options are very limited to polo shirts, tshirts, and button down shirts. The difference comes down to the fitment. Let me give you an example. You have invested on a Prestij shirt and getting ready to go out. The shirt seems a little too long for your body. To solve this issue, you decide to tuck it in and you look like you're ready to go to a work meeting. This could change your night!

These are some images of people needing alterations:

1- Jeans are too long on this image. It should just come staight down instead of having so many boulges

2- Have you paid attention how a nice fitted suit looks like in compasion to a large suit?

provided by, "Is 5'7" John McCain Dressing For Defeat?"

and see how this one looks much better.

Stay away from long tshirt, polo shirt, and button down shirts. For example if your polo shirt is longer than 5 inches over your pants, there is a chance that it's too long. You can always ask the sales representative in stores to see if you need alterations.

Go for quality not quantity. Having a few nice shirts and pants that actually fit you right and look great on you is far better than having so many clothes that looks awful on you.

Keya Efatpanah
Prestij Fashion

Over Plucked men don't look well put together

Over-plucked men don't look well put together. Apparently It's easy for some guys to get carried away. Overdone and over-plucked guys are like women with too much makeup. Don't over do it! Get advice from your hairstylist! If you live in Austin or Los Angeles let me know and I'll refer you to a good hair stylist.
I'm glad "the Rock" is not doing it anymore! Before and After pics are attached. (pic is borrowed from

Friday, July 17, 2009

How to tie a scarf for Men

I will be sharing the common questions people ask me. One question has been coming up is how to tie a scarf for men. I know I know! It's pretty hot right now but it will be here on my page for Winter!
There are different methods. Check out the attached video!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Do's ad Don'ts of men Fashion in 09 / Fashion tips

1-Don't use too much hair product. Spikes are not hot anymore

2-Sunglasses in Dark is a no no. Unless you're a movie star? Even for celebratoryis questionable hehe
3-NO Shell accessories if you're not walking on the beach. No choker necklace for guys!!! please don't.
4-Faicial Hair: look around and see what's out there and what works for your face! get some suggestion from your hair stylist. It it's done right, it could compliment your face by fixing your jawline. If you have a baby face it could give you a little more confidence
5-Don't pop your nice dress shirt collars. Be tasteful.
6-YOUR UNDERSHIRT AND UNDERWEAR shouldn't be showing at any time. ANYTIME. Specially if you're wearing a woven shirt.
7-Don't POSE for your picture. Look natural, Relax, smile and BE YOURSELF. Someone told me once "SMILE WITH YOUR EYES" haha practice that!

If you need any fashion advice PLEASE ask me. I would be happy to help you personally!

Keya Efatpanah
Prestij Fashion

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Neda tshirt t-shirt t shirt

Everytime I'm wearing my Neda tshirt, I have people ask me qurestions about it. It amazes me how many people don't know what's going on in Iran. I really hope this t shirt help to raise some awareness. Please see it at

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Neda T-shirt are available now

Click on this link to see the tshirt

While there are a lot of reports from Iranians being killed in recent demonstrations against Iranian government, Neda has been wildly publicized. She symbolizes Iranian women and student on streets of Tehran. She was 27 years old philosophy student. Her name means voice in Farsi / Persian. She is voice true Iranians in green movement.

Rest in peace Neda

Keya E.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Neda voice of freedom

Since the Iranian movements is changing and entering to a new phase, we decided to change the design to reflect more recent events. Again, this tshirt is availalbe for preorder. Hope wearing this tshirt will help to make people aware of sitatuation in Iran. We will start shipping on Wed 6/26/09. ( Neda rest in peace!)

Click on the link bellow to be taken directly to the product page

Inspired by recent demonstrations in Iran, Prestij Fashion came up with an exclusive t-shirt design in showing support of people of Iran.

This t-shirt will be available on our website on 6/25/09. The design includes the Persian/Iranian flag colors (Green, white, and red). The text on the shirt reads "Where are the our votes?" in English and "Where are our votes" in Farsi / Persian.

We will have version of this design available to be used as your Cellphone and PDA wallpaper. Hopefully, this will raise people awareness of the situation in Iran!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Palm Pre is Amazing!

For the first time in 10 years I stayed in a line to get a new gadget. It took me 4 hours staying in the line on Sat morning 6/6/09 to get couple of these phones but I feel it worth it. I'm very happy with the phone. the touch feature works without any error. It works every time. Everything makes sense and it's in the right place. It's so easy to sync your contact list with google contact list. I love the fact that i have a keyboard to use when I'm typing text massages and long emails. I consider myself an advance user so I had to combine my outlook, a few GMail accounts, etc. All this caused me some headaches. 

Issues I have had so far:
1- Since i imported my contacts from GMail and I also saved them on Palm profile, I had duplicate of every contact. It was annoying to see the same phone numbers a few times. I decided to start all over and this time not to use palm and have all my contacts on GMail. To delete my Palm profile, I thought the best is to get on palm profile and erase my phone! Well Erase phone wasn't exactly what I thought it is. I think it actually deletes everything including operating system from your phone. It seems like its for when you lose your phone and you don't want your information in wrong hands. I called Sprint and they told me that I have bricked the phone. This feature bricks the phone remotely. I was told I have to go to the same store I bought the phone and return it for a new one. When I woke up in the morning, I tried to turn on the phone and it worked. It seemed like it downloaded it's operating system from a server? I'm not sure what happened but waiting some hours unlocked the phone. 

2-I am using my company laptop to sync my Centro. When I tried using Data Transfer Assistant, It would tell me I have no information to transfer. Apparently, Data Transfer Assistant wasn't seeing my outlook 2003 and It was only seeing my Palm Desktop which it was empty. I called Sprint and they didn't know what the issue is. I removed Palm Desktop but that didn't help any. Data Transfer Assistant wasn't seeing my outlook 2003. I think maybe my outlook is somehow modified by my company and it's not exactly Outlook 2003?! :-)
I even checked my Internet option to make sure outlook is chosen as my primary email program. I reinstalled my Palm Desktop and I chose Palm Desktop as the software I want to use to maintain and sync my data with my Centro. I uploaded and synced my Centro with Palm Desktop and ran Data Transfer Assistant. This time it worked without any issue and all my records were transferred in the mater of a few seconds!!! Then on your phone it will ask you where do you want to transfer the data? I chose GMail because I want my contacts to be kept and maintain on GMail. I didn't use the Palm profile this time. If you choose Palm Profile, and you are still syncing your contacts with google as well, you will see two entries for every repeated phone number. For example if you go to John Smith on your contacts, it will show 512-349-1000 with a "g" logo for GMail and also with Palm logo as well.  So everything is repeated.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

prestijfashion is linked to all social networks

Prestij fashion has been in social network for quite sometimes but we just added links to our Linkedin Myspace, Facebook, and Blogspot to the main page.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Palm Pre Phone will be available on June 6th

I contacted Sprint yesterday and they told me that the Palm is available starting June 6th 2009. Palm Pre comes with a new OS that Palm developed. There is a demo version available that you can installed on your Palm phone to check out the operation system. 

I think Palm Pre could potentially compete with iPhone. 

Call sprint today and they will call you back on June 6th to process your order. 

I encourage Prestij friends and employee to acquire this phone.


Monday, April 6, 2009

Adding more Prestij Fashion domains

To ensure our customers are not having issues with finding official, We have added and domains to direct customer to the official website.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Direct link to INsite magazine article on Prestij Fashion

INsite Magazine Article About Prestij Fashion

INsite magazine in their April issue talks about Principles of Prestij Fashion, Prestij Fashion president, Keya Efatpanah and more. 
Please view this article on Insite, April issue, page 18. 
Please read the following article and also visit INsite magazine website to see the complete article on the actual pdf format. 

Bringing Men Some Prestij –
Austin ’s Keya Efatpanah
By Sean Claes / INsite Magazine

Sophisticated in a subtle way is how 28-year old engineer turned fashion designer Keya
Efatpanah describes Prestij (– a new line of men’s fashion he launched in Austin this past December. So, how does a University of Texas graduate with an electrical engineering degree get into the fashion game? “I have always been interested in fashion and clothing designs. I was looking for ways to combine my education, passion, interest, and work experience,” Efatpanah said. “From engineering I learned problem solving. Work taught me business and marketing, my tailor shop taught me about fabrication, manufacturing, and fabric. It was a natural fit.” The Prestij line is currently made up of about thirty different shirts, clearly for the discerning man who doesn’t want to look like 4 other guys in the room. “Clothing choices are much more limited for guys. I could never find anything I liked, and when I did, I’d go to a party and other guys would be wearing the same shirts, he said. “That was a let down every time.” Right now, you can see the Prestij line in person at Upstairs Men’s Wear (2110 S Lamar) in Austin, Project Fashion (2419 S Shepherd) in Houston and online at He hopes to add lines in other cities as well as a few more boutiques in the Austin area. “I'm interested to work with other boutiques. I have enough shirts and styles to have unique products in different stores,” he said. The designs range from classic styles (May mán, Pünktchenmuster) to styles with a definite cultural flair to them (örn, söndag). The fabrics are all imported from Spain and Asia. “It’s beautiful to see people expressing their different cultures, background, and interests, he said. “For the same reason Prestij offers a variety in designs and options for each individual out there.” He explains that his own personal background and travels are expressed through the fashion as well. He’s included some lines that include American cities, and some that have a more international feel. “It is a beautiful world because of the coexistance of different cultures and races,” Efatpanah said. “As a Persian-American I love both cultures.” For the future, Efatpanah says he’s
working on a new line that is more “in sync with the Prestij philosophy” as well as a woman’s clothing line. “I’m promising a multi-cultural brand with design varieties from all around the globe,” he said. “That’s Prestij.”

söndag – $95.99

militära shirt – $94.99

KXAN / CNBC Interview

Keya Efatpanah had a quick interview with CNBC / KXAN on March 27th at 8:45AM. This was a very qucik interview. Next interview will be longer and will feature Prestij Fashion button down shirts. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Where to buy Prestij Fashion Button Down Shirts in Houston

Prestij is available at Project Fashion in Houston Texas. Please go to to see more information about Project Fashion. Project Fashion is one of the best boutiques in Houston area conveniently located in Westheimer and Shepherd St. Please click on the link bellow for more information:

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where to buy Prestij button down shirts in Houston

Prestij is proud to announce  that Prestij button down shirts will be availale at Project Fashion soon. Project Fashion is located at 2419 S. Shepherd, Houston, TX  ( 

Project Fashion is one of the best boutiques available in Houston. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Where to buy Prestij shirts in Austin,TX

 I'm pleased to announced that Prestij Fashion is available at Upstairs boutique ( ) in Austin, TX. Upsairs is one of premier men fashion boutique in Austin. Please visit Upstairs to see Prestij shirts. To see directions to this boutique, please go to

As you might know, Prestij Fashion launched at the end of 2008.  We are working on making Prestij shirts available in different boutiques in Austin, Boston, Chicago, Houston, Dallas and Los Angeles in 2009.

Friday, January 2, 2009


On January 1st, 2009 American Statesman Newspaper published an atricle about PRESTIJ on top of StyleMatters page. Please read this article online at